Monday, April 23, 2012

When is your work due? Mon 5/30 or Sun 5/13?

(Thanks to Cindy for catching my dates - off by a month!)

Please note different dates:

1)  Mon 4/30  film due to Glenn for Undergraduate VIZ SHOW (which will be W 5/2, 6 pm, Geren).

2)  Sun 5/13  work due to me so I can grade and put in grades to Howdy on Mon 5/14.


1)  If you want your work to appear in the 5/2 show, please have work in to Glen on M 4/30.
     After seeing your work in the show, you may want to change it before you hand it in to me.

2)   If you did give work to Glen for show, continue work and hand in to me by Sun 5/13.

In all cases please burn a CD of all work done this semester for me to have as references, and to grade.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, and gig'em.