Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Short Animations: Inspiration, Modeling, Shading, & Texturing

*3D made to look like 2D watercolor; see modeling at end of animation.

Ode to Summer
*Physical humor, action, depth, color that gradations and saturation
Wiley e coyote hip hip hurry

I*Bizarre imagination, motion, layering
The Tale of How

*Humor; integration of 2D, 3D, and FX; layering; color
The Story of Bjorn
*Traditional paper animation from Russia
The Hedgehog in the Fog


*Modeling, Texturing, and Shading
Demo Reel by Scot Andreason (including Gladiator)
*Modeling; Emotional Content
Ballerina: The Last Dance by Brandi Parish

*Shading, etc
Shading Projects
by Megan Walker

*Rendering and Shading
VIZA 616 Class Reel 


ONE EXAMPLE: Austin Hines

*Modeling:  Turntables

Curds Turntables by Austin Hines

*Trying out an Idea

Curd Suck Proof of Concept by Austin Hines

*Final Animation

Curds, the Muffet Story by Austin Hines

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shading tutorial

Hey guys, here's the tutorial I talked about in class that teaches you a couple of cool shading tricks:


Thursday, March 8, 2012

sounds & music

As per Weecho's suggestion:

soundclick.com (not sure if these are open source)
jamendo.com (for sure open source)
freesound.org (sound effects)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Schedule this week

Week 8: Modeling  
T   3/6  Modeling continued 
            Review of remaining animatics     
DUE:    Finish of  Weecho Tutorial, including watching tutorials (if not done before)
Th 3/8  Modeling continued
DUE:   Storyboard remaining shots:  Intro?, Title,  Clear ending, Credits.  Any images on those pages?
Week 9: Spring Break

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Talk Monday, March 5, 5:30, Highly Recommended

Please attend if you can the lecture by Berlin based artist Claudia Chaseling on Monday, March 5, 5:30pm, Wright Gallery, Langford Center A.  Claudia Chaseling is a painter working in large scale on canvas, walls/floors and objects, and in small scale on photos and in cartoon stories. Her central theme is landscape, how vast space and the dynamics of a place can be captured in interiors through color, without using parameters like horizon lines or central perspective, which could supply a quick orientation. Through cartoons, expressionistic and fictional elements her work expands into a psychological landscape. Claudia Chaseling is based in Berlin, Germany. She works and exhibits internationally in Europe, Australia and the US.  This counts as one of the three talks you need to attend this semester.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Reference from Glen Vigus for Heather????
